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Be a Peace Activist! We all know both the power of consciousness and how that power can be multiplied when more of us join to create shift.

Engage others in transforming the world one act of kindness and respect at a time
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Let's Get Started

Build a Way 2 Peace Network

Listen deeply to what Spirit is making known to you. Say “yes” and join Way 2 Peace. Invite others and invite them to invite others. If you invite only 10 people and they each invite 10 people, by the fifth level we will have moved 100,000 people in the direction of Peace.

Realistically, not all 10 that I invite are going to get excited and pass it along, so if you and I each agree to share with everyone, we’ll offset those who don’t follow through.

Guide others to sign up on the website
Spirit is calling you! Awaken to your own divinity. Build a habit of saying “yes” to Spirit … yes to the still small voice within!

Be a Peace Maker

Become a Spiritual Activist

Activism without Spirituality can devolve into an angry mob. Spiritual Activism becomes Sacred Activism when the focus of your activism is sacred to you…like a passion for peace! 

 Sacred Activism occurs when our actions arise from deep within as the expression of spirit in and as you – shifting you from simply being a doer to being a being that is doing whatever spirit calls forth to be done. It is a holy pursuit.

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What is a Spiritual Activist?

Simply engage in conversations with anyone and everyone. Let them know how important they are in moving our world to peace. As Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Be one of those thoughtful, committed people and invite others to join you. Also, invite them to register on this site so we can keep in touch, and watch how the invitations spread worldwide.

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Sacred Activism Inspiration & Guidance

In his book, The Hope, Andrew Harvey has given a name to the path that so many of us are now following and to which many are being called: “Sacred Activism”.

As he explains, “When…the joy of compassionate service is married to a practical and pragmatic drive to transform all existing economic, social and political institutions, a radical and potentially all-transforming holy force is born. This radical holy force I call Sacred Activism.”

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Expanding Sacred Activism

When Sacred Activism conjoins the energy of love, both in yourself and others, the rich passion of compassion and intention carry this simple but profound practice into every area of life. Illimitable potential is unleashed!

As Steve Harvey, of Colorado Confluence, put it, “It’s time for all reasonable people of goodwill to dedicate ourselves to The Politics of Kindness.

Yes, well-reasoned and well-informed kindness; well-communicated kindness; kindness that seeks the kindest outcomes and not just the kindest intentions; kindness that is disciplined and channeled and cautious in its certainties; kindness that is courageous and assertive and even at times, combative in its advocacy; but, ultimately kindness.”

Discover the wonder, joy and power of knowing you do have what it takes to change the world. Don’t hold back! Go for it!

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